Supercharge Your Dynamic Search Ads Campaigns With These 5 Optimizations


In today’s digital landscape, the adoption of dynamic search ads plays a pivotal role in the success of digital marketing efforts. From uncovering high value keywords to using page feeds to support larger scale eCommerce websites these tips have you covered… In this post, we’ll explore five of our top practical tips to boost your Google Dynamic Search Ads performance.

  1. Use negative autotargets & keywords abundantly

    Make a list of all the pages you do not want to target and add as negative autotargets and add the same as negative keywords. Review your sitemap, final URL reports or Google Analytics page reports to get ahead. Include things like the below for pages with low commercial intent. Some examples to get your started…

    faq, terms, privacy, shipping, returns, about, contact, careers, blog, press, sitemap, help, service, legal, investor, newsletter, events, support, accessibility, cookie

    See the below examples of DSA page feeds gone wrong. Google some of your favourite categories and include terms & conditions etc to see how widely this can be overlooked

  2. Work With Page Feeds

    Page feeds help streamline DSA campaign management – especially across larger eCommerce website. There are several benefits here

    • New pages added to the site can be automated into relevant autotargets
    • Enhanced control and flexibility
    • Use custom labels for bulk ad copy update to help maximize relevancy at scale
    • Stay tuned for our full guide on working with DSA page feeds in 2024

  3. Optimize Your Meta Titles

    Whilst DSA ad headlines are automated – there is an element of control here – as Google pulls the headline from the meta titles.
    These can be optimized in the following ways.

    • Inclusion of relevant keywords to help ad rank and query matching.
    • They should accurately describe the pages content
    • Be kept concise and compelling – aiming for around 60-70 characters

  4. Maximize ad relevancy with the use of ad customizers

    As of July 2024, the use of ad customizers is still available. Make sure you consider the following in your dynamic search ad campaign setup

    • Use countdown timers to add urgency to a specific promotion
    • Use if functions to change the messaging by device with separate messaging to mobile and desktop users
    • Add urgency to the end of a promotional period by using countdowns to create a countdown timer within the copy

  5. Define the role of search ads in the core function of the account

    If using as a prospecting tool to find new keywords..

    • Make sure you add your high value/ long tail keywords as exact and phrase match.
    • Exclude all keywords – including those newly added to ensure its only focused on longer tail
    • Review your query reports for competitor/ low relevancy terms. Be sure to add these as negatives

    If running a hybrid search + dynamic mix of keywords with autotargets

    • Include a key differentiator in the ad group naming convention (eg DSA/RSA) for ease of analysis
    • Check spend and comparative performance. If performance for DSA is significantly better or worse consider breaking out into a DSA campaign

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