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Supercharge Your Dynamic Search Ads Campaigns With These 5 Optimizations


In today’s digital landscape, the adoption of dynamic search ads plays a pivotal role in the success of digital marketing efforts. From uncovering high value keywords to using page feeds to support larger scale eCommerce websites these tips have you covered… In this post, we’ll explore five of our top practical tips to boost your Google Dynamic Search Ads performance.

  1. Use negative autotargets & keywords abundantly

    Make a list of all the pages you do not want to target and add as negative autotargets and add the same as negative keywords. Review your sitemap, final URL reports or Google Analytics page reports to get ahead. Include things like the below for pages with low commercial intent. Some examples to get your started…

    faq, terms, privacy, shipping, returns, about, contact, careers, blog, press, sitemap, help, service, legal, investor, newsletter, events, support, accessibility, cookie

    See the below examples of DSA page feeds gone wrong. Google some of your favourite categories and include terms & conditions etc to see how widely this can be overlooked

  2. Work With Page Feeds

    Page feeds help streamline DSA campaign management – especially across larger eCommerce website. There are several benefits here

    • New pages added to the site can be automated into relevant autotargets
    • Enhanced control and flexibility
    • Use custom labels for bulk ad copy update to help maximize relevancy at scale
    • Stay tuned for our full guide on working with DSA page feeds in 2024

  3. Optimize Your Meta Titles

    Whilst DSA ad headlines are automated – there is an element of control here – as Google pulls the headline from the meta titles.
    These can be optimized in the following ways.

    • Inclusion of relevant keywords to help ad rank and query matching.
    • They should accurately describe the pages content
    • Be kept concise and compelling – aiming for around 60-70 characters

  4. Maximize ad relevancy with the use of ad customizers

    As of July 2024, the use of ad customizers is still available. Make sure you consider the following in your dynamic search ad campaign setup

    • Use countdown timers to add urgency to a specific promotion
    • Use if functions to change the messaging by device with separate messaging to mobile and desktop users
    • Add urgency to the end of a promotional period by using countdowns to create a countdown timer within the copy

  5. Define the role of search ads in the core function of the account

    If using as a prospecting tool to find new keywords..

    • Make sure you add your high value/ long tail keywords as exact and phrase match.
    • Exclude all keywords – including those newly added to ensure its only focused on longer tail
    • Review your query reports for competitor/ low relevancy terms. Be sure to add these as negatives

    If running a hybrid search + dynamic mix of keywords with autotargets

    • Include a key differentiator in the ad group naming convention (eg DSA/RSA) for ease of analysis
    • Check spend and comparative performance. If performance for DSA is significantly better or worse consider breaking out into a DSA campaign

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The 5 Best Google Ads & PPC Formulas You Can Only Use In Google Sheets


Traditionally Microsoft Excel has covered the majority of formulas any aspiring PPC superstar could want. However that gap is widening and now (more than ever perhaps) it is worth looking at some additional functions and formulas available only in Google Sheets. We have picked our top 5 PPC formulas exclusive to sheets. Which one do you like best, are you going to use next or what have we missed? Be sure to add in the comments underneath!

1) Deduplicate rows of text both quickly and on the fly using the UNIQUE formula

Deduplicating rows of text is made easy with the UNIQUE function. In essence it is the formula based route to removing deduplicates through the data section of Excel & Google Sheets. The benefit of this approach comparatively rests in its scalability. If every time in Google Sheets we have to go (Data menu > Data Cleanup > Remove Duplicates) its a manual process. Pulling in unique can help find unique search queries and much more.

  1. In the below we have a list of keywords in column A. Spanning rows 2 to 7
  2. We add in the UNIQUE formula in another cell – in this example below cell B2. Copy and paste the formula below.
Use the UNIQUE filter in Google Sheets to remove duplicates

To enhance the scalability here you can apply to the entire column as below


2) Use the IMPORTRANGE formula to add in data from another Google Sheet

This is something we use quite regularly. Particularly if there is a requirement for data to be gathered from a multitude of sheets.

To use the IMPORTRANGE range formula. The formula includes 3 parts:

  • The spreadsheet URL
  • The tab name followed by an exclamation mark
  • The range
=importrange("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N4emko8yHFU0EYIdlBczNKOiW939VdIWZl_URnmFPpM/edit", "Budgets!B2:B2")
Using the IMPORTRANGE formula in Google Sheets to pull from one sheet to another

3) Try the SPARKLINE Google Sheets formula to add basic time series charts in a single cell

Sparkline charts may be simple but they are super effective. This is possible within Microsoft Excel but not instantly as a formula. To add the most simple of sparkline charts just use this formula


4) Use the SPLIT formula for separate text to columns

Within a lot of campaign / ad group naming conventions different breakouts are often separated by a hyphen – or bar | (the delimiter) . Whilst both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel have a function for separating text to columns – Google Sheets also handily has a formula to achieve the same result. To use SPLIT…

Use the Google Sheets SPLIT formula to breakout lines of text based on a common delimiter

5) Load in the QUERY formula in to only show the highest items in a set of data

This is a little more difficult as it includes a query to perform written in Google Visualization API query language. Rest assured its not complicated when you get your head round it! You can also just take the below and just change what you need. If you get stuck just add a comment and we can help!

=QUERY(A:E,"SELECT A,C Order By C Desc Limit 5")

In the above example

  • The A:E part just designates the table or column names with the data you want
  • the Select A part simply shows that we are looking to return the keyword (eg in column A)
  • The C Order By C is showing that we want to capture the cost which is column C whilst also ordering by this column too
  • The Desc Limit 5 caps the number of items returned to 5
Use the QUERY formula in Google Sheets to filter out only the top items

In Summary

Sometimes is not about picking one or the other (eg Google Sheets vs Microsoft Excel). But having awareness around exclusive formulas and functions will help make picking the right platform for each task! Which of the above did you like most? Did you get stuck? Drop in a comment below to let us know what you think, what you found useful or what your favourite Google Sheets only formula is

Formula To Count The Number Of Letters & Words In A Cell In Excel & Google Sheets


Counting Characters in a cell (Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets)

Counting the number of characters in a cell is a frequently used and often one of the first formulas many will learn in the digital marketing space. Whether its making sure your Google Ads headlines are within limit


This can be further refined. If say you are writing a Google Ads headline (which is currently as of 09/2021 only 30 characters) we can minus the formula from the character limit as below. (Bonus points if you add conditional formatting to show as red if the value gets less than 0 and can even compliment with >0 being green)


Counting the number of words in a cell (Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets)

But sometimes understanding the number of words is more important than characters. Particularly if for instance you are trying to say determine the impact of keyword tail length on conversion rate or maybe even you need to ensure your word count is going to meet the target for your content post or blog submission.

The formula here builds on the foundation of the usage of LEN described above. However with no out the box method for counting words in Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets. This also incorporates the TRIM & SUBSTITUTE functions. Just remember to swap out the A2 value with the appropriate cell reference! You can of course drag this formula down to work on additional rows!


Get ready for more Microsoft Excel Tips & Google Sheets formulas, methods and more! From basic to advanced. While you are here be sure you check out or other Digital Marketing tips. If you have any requests or have a favourite Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets tip please add as comment below – we would love to hear from you

Create A Generic Click Trigger In Google Tag Manager


A big part of day-to-day Google Tag Manager management revolves around effective click tracking. The first step here can be create a generic click trigger (the trigger is the tripwire and the tag is the bomb that goes off in our example). This will provide an array of useful information we can use to specify particular parameters captured within the data layer and attributes built in the backend. To setup a generic click trigger

  1. Login to Google Tag Manager
  2. Navigate to the TRIGGERS tab
  3. Click NEW & select the trigger configuration box
  4. Choose ALL ELEMENTS in the CLICKS section
Generic Click Trigger In Google Tag Manager

Now when going in the Google Tag Manager preview mode – you will be able see all sorts of interesting elements within the data layer for which we can use to filter the generic click trigger down to specific items of interest. Stay tuned for our guides on how to use this to create

  • Enquiry form submissions
  • Phone number clicks
  • Email clicks
  • Exits to another website
Generic Click Trigger In Preview mode in Google Tag Manager

Stay tuned for our guides on how to use this to create the below (& please check out our other Google Tag Manager Tips before you leave!)

  • Enquiry form submissions
  • Phone number clicks
  • Email clicks
  • Exits to another website

Share Google Chrome Tabs To Any Synced Device


Ever been browsing Chrome and want to carry on reading on your commute home? Or looking at a recipe and want to follow the instructions in the kitchen on a mobile device? Google Chrome now allows for tab sharing between devices. First make sure you have sync enabled in Google Chrome & are signed in and then follow the following 3 easy steps

  1. Go to the web page that you want to share in Google Chrome
  2. Right click the website tab in your Chrome browser
  3. Select the relevant device and click the send to option

Be sure to check out our other Google Chrome tips & tricks before you leave!

Organize Your Session For Success With Group Tabs In Google Chrome


How many tabs do you tend to keep open? Testing has revealed Google Chrome has the capacity to support over 8,000 (with only your CPU becoming a limiting factor). For the tab collectors out there Google’s Chrome update in 2020 is just for you.

To add groupings to your Chrome tabs use the following simple instructions

  1. Right click on any relevant tab you want added to a group (HINT: hold shift to select multiple tabs)
  3. Et voila! Welcome to your new tab groupings

Be sure to check out our other Google Chrome tips & tricks before you leave!

Change Google Ads KeyWord Bids In Bulk Using The Google Ads Editor


Find yourself in Google Ads Platform changing bids in bulk manually and haven’t come across the Google Ads editor? Follow this guide to change Google Ads keyword bids in bulk

  1. Download the Google Ads editor
  2. Install and open and navigate to the keywords section
  3. Select the keywords you want to bulk change bids for
  4. Right click and select CHANGE BIDS (pro tip – press CTRL & B as a shortcut)
  5. Increase bids by desired percentages or amounts

Hope you enjoyed this Google Ads tip. Be sure to check out our other Google Ads tips and tricks before you leave!

Use This Simple But Effective Google Analytics 4 Upgrade Guide


Curious about upgrading to Google Analytics 4? Follow this step-by-step Google Analytics 4 upgrade guide

  1. Login to Google Analytics
  2. Click on admin to bring up the admin panel
  3. Within the PROPERTY section click UPGRADE TO GA4

4. As a new Google Analytics Property is required be sure to click GET STARTED in the I NEED TO CREATE A NEW GOOGLE ANALYTICS 4 PROPERTY section

5. Click CREATE PROPERTY (don’t worry if the enable data collection option is greyed out)

Welcome to Google Analytics 4.0! Be sure to check out our other emerging Google Analytics tips & tricks to get on top of you GA 4 tags and Google Ads link requests

Can’t Align Items in Google Data Studio? Use This Keyboard Shortcut To Enter Freeform!


Ever find the snap-to-grid functionality can leave your Google Data Studio charts off kilter? This Google Data Studio tip is just for you!

  1. Click any movable item in Google Data Studio
  2. Begin dragging it before pressing & holding CTRL & SHIFT
  3. Enjoy freeform mode!

A good one for all the Google Data Studio tip enthusiasts out there! Be sure to check out our other Google Data Studio tips & tricks before you go!

New Google Ads Data Studio Templates From The Google Data Studio Team


Google have kindly provided 9 Google Data Studio templates for Google Ads. You can get these here

Included within the templates are Google Ads report templates for:(click the links for each template)

Google Ads Shopping Performance
Google Ads Account Health
Google Ads Impression Share
Google Ads Search Impression Share
Google Ads Display Impression Share
Google Ads Auction Insights Shopping
Google Ads Local Campaign Store
Search Ads 360 Data Driven Attribution

Enjoy the Google Data Studio templates and feel free to check our other Google Ads Tricks & Google Data Studio Tips before you go!